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Wealthy Citizens Officially Jackin 4 Beatz Part 2

We back at it with the highly anticipated jack move. Officially Jackin 4 Beatz Part 2 

Monday Mission

Prepare yourself for new obstacles as you continue to further your endeavors.


Tuesday Trials & Tribulations

Trust your intuitive mindset!


Monday Mission

To be great is to understand that you are good enough.

Tuesday Trials & Tribulations

Build back up after a sudden downfall.

Monday Mission

Acknowledge your mistakes and learn from it.

Tuesday Trials and Tribulations



Monday Mission



Tuesday Trials & Tribulations

Utilize the knowledge you have attained and gain more! 


Monday Mission

Give an opportunity  to someone  who will benefit from it today.

Tuesday Trials & Tribulations

Don't let anyone or anything take you under. Always strive to become the better you.



Monday Mission

The only true design of success is the art of hard work.


Tuesday Trials & Tribulations

With every error you encounter there will be corrections..so with every failed attempt in life, there will be success. Keep on striving


Monday Mission

Grind with a purpose! Don't waste your time.

Tuesday Trials & Tribulations

Understand what your personal values are and analyze what really makes you happy. Keep your vibes good and keep on striving.


Monday Mission

There will be moments when you might feel close to the edge or even lost in transition.Just remember to pray and continue to count your blessings.



Tuesday Trials & Tribulations

Don't bother being in tune with the rest, just be great at what you do. Keep on striving.


Monday Mission

Don't overwhelm yourself with things you can't control...Put that energy into something to  better yourself.


Tuesday Trials & Tribulations

Starting over is just a process to rebuild for new opportunities.


Monday Mission

In a matter of time you will achieve everything that is well deserved. Keep on striving


Tuesday Trials & Tribulations

Do more for yourself as you would do for others! You can't accomplish anything if you don't try.


Monday Mission

Strive for progress and not for failure. You must do more to achieve in what you believe.


Saint Ant debuts new music called "Everywhere."

Saint Ant debuts new music called "Everywhere."

it’s been while since new music from AD, now known as Saint Ant. In fact, the last time he impacted with music since the wealthy compilation mixtape. Ant is working on his upcoming project called Foreign Language.

Tuesday Trials &Tribulations

Showcase your potential.


Tuesday Trials &Tribulations

Don't let the situations of today deprive you from the opportunity you will achieve tomorrow 


Monday Mission

Taking chances only come with the hard work.
So Pay bills and stash some dollars for tomorrow. Keep on striving !!


Tuesday Trials & Tribulation

Trust your intuition and grind for your passion.


Monday Mission

Build opportunity as you grind from A to Z.


Tuesday Trials & Tribulations

Go Back to the basics once you reach a goal. 


Monday Mission

Work smarter even while working hard. 

Tuesday Trials & Tribulations

Acknowledge your growth and continue your progress.


Monday Mission

Your attitude towards failure determines your altitude after failure.


New Music & Merch

Tuesday Trials & Tribulations

Keep striving and stay courageous !!


Monday Mission

Make sure your choices reflect your ambitious mind state and not the fears of failure.


Tuesday Trials & Tribulations

Stay true to yourself and count your blessings.


Monday Mission

Today is a new day to make more progress !!! Keep on striving!



Tuesday Trials & Tribulations

Those who  pray for your downfall will never see the blessings you receive! Keep on striving


Monday Mission

Reprocess, refocus, and restart a new vision for success. No time to dwell just keep on striving.


Tuesday Trials & Tribulation

Believe and you can achieve! 


Monday Mission

Hustle, stack, and pray to live life in major ways.
Failure is never the choice. Follow your ambition!


Tuesday Trials & Tribulations

You must make a effort to keep up happiness..Discover your passion and strive for it.



Monday Mission

 You have to be full fledge in the creation of your blessings. once you have achieved a state of happiness, you must never become relax about maintaining it. Keep on striving!!



Tuesday Trials& Tribulations

Many Lessons learned today builds much progress for tomorrow ! Focus is key 


Monday Mission

Take chances and but never compromise yourself!


Tuesday Trials & tribulations

Let This journey take you to places near and far. But never let this journey steer you wrong. 



Monday Mission

As you further succeed in life 

Many obstacles will soon become conquerable tasks and prominent lessons learned.



Tuesday Trials & Tribulations

Understand the difference  in meaning of consistent and persistent...

Persistent is Being able to function in times of difficult circumstances 
While consistent Is the regularity of a performance.

Keep on striving!!!


Monday Mission

Don't limit yourself!!!
Utilize the unlimited possibilities to get to where you want to be in life. Keep on striving.


Tuesday Trials & Tribulations

Tackle every task with the step by step process to get the job done! No half stepping when it comes to executing a working plan for success.


Monday Mission

Progress whether it's big or small is still a step forward in reaching goals. Keep on Striving.


Tuesday Trials & Tribulations

Value your blessings


Monday Mission

When current situations seem to get tough... believe and trust that god always will make a way for a successful and blessed outcome! Every challenge you are faced with is a challenge for  strength.. keep on striving and reset yourself from the nonsense.


Tuesday Trials & Tribulation

Believing, and visualizing what you want to achieve is an accomplished fact of positive vibes... dwell in moments of life and not moments of misery.


Tuesday Trials & Tribulation

Monday Mission

Take time to acknowledge the accomplishments and also reflect on the challenges you have been through. Understand that you are still on a prosperous journey... keep on striving!


Tuesday Trials & Tribulations

Self Reflection keeps you aware of how you are doing and showcases your ability to identify your weak points. It's okay to have faults, but you gain strength in knowing that you can always better yourself.


Monday Mission

How are you getting closer to your goals today?
What have you improved to make sure your progress is being made?

Remember it's Mind over matter and keep your focus up. The choice is yours!



Tuesday Trials & Tribulations

Highest level of quality for leadership is unquestionable integrity... Word is bond so don't be a follower  just be yourself !


Monday Mission

Balance out your day from  productive vibes with relaxation. Work smarter when working harder isn't enough.


Tuesday Trials & Tribulations

Remember there is always a way out of the problems that you deal with. Pray and do right and count your blessings.


Monday Mission

Motivate those who seem uninterested in self-growth. Allow the consistent effort and hard work bring you closer to your goals. 


Tuesday Trials & Tribulations

Never settle for less. Continue to rise above your set limitations.


Monday Mission

Challenge yourself to reach higher. Build strength of effort in to the endless opportunities that will come your way.



Tuesday Trials & Tribulations

Setbacks are apart of life. But until you learn the lessons of those mishaps, be prepared to go through a repeating cycle. Learn and grow from mistakes and attain that major comeback.


Monday Mission

Productivity keeps the mind focus with the continuous development of progress. Keep on grinding.



Tuesday Trials & Tribulations

Don't forget what matters most while on that pursuit of happiness.


Monday Mission

Make the right choice and don't slip on opportunities.


Tuesday Trials & tribulations

 some point You have to go through life and find your balance.. balance out the highs and the lows.


Monday Mission

Your perseverance will build character and patience.


Tuesday Trials &Tribulations

Chase a check and never chase regrets.

Build for your future and forget about past setbacks! 


Monday Mission

Follow your heart and live out your dreams.
Work hard and stay dedicated to what you are passionate about!


Tuesday Trials & Tribulations

Your strength doesn't come from the amount of wins you may have achieved, but mostly from the struggles you been through.


Monday Mission

The goal is to be successful...
Don't get sidetracked.


Tuesday Trials Tribulations

You can't control everything that happens to you in life, but you can control how you respond to the situation.


Monday Mission

Make your mind up and pick your grind up.
A true failure is someone who does not continue to progress after a setback.
Keep on striving! 


Tuesday Trials & Tribulations

Have hope and Be constant in prayer.
Things will get better with time.


Monday Mission

Take the leap for what you want. Never hesitate to seize an opportunity!


Tuesday trials & tribulations

Take time out to rest and prepare for future endeavors 



Monday Mission

Stay grounded with the knowledge you have acquired to complete your journey towards success.


Tuesday Trials & Tribulations

Don't let anybody steer you away from what you think is right. Always follow your first instinct and get your own thing going! 



Monday Mission

Chase your own dreams ...Do things for yourself..Grow and motivate those who are out of reach to succeed!

Tuesday Trials & Tribulations

When you down to the point of letting go and quitting, just remember the reasons why you started in the first place.

Get Back to the basics!


Monday Mission

Whether you appreciate it or not, failure is necessary while achieving goals. You will begin to understand that failing is not the end and also you will be able to distinguish what is real success.


Tuesday Trials & Tribulations

Strive for progress and  not for the fame or perfection.


Monday Mission

Sometimes we are facing hard times that will shape our futures ! Persevere through your struggles 



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