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Wealthy Citizens Officially Jackin 4 Beatz Part 2

We back at it with the highly anticipated jack move. Officially Jackin 4 Beatz Part 2 

Tuesday Trials & Tribulations

Opportunity comes with taking chances. It is best to take a leap for change instead of taking a fall through setback.


Monday Mission

There is no "I" in team
But there is a "u and "I" in survive.

The point of the matter is that It's okay to ask for help..

But also, 
Understand the difference from a hand out and working hard to get it...

Tuesday Trials & Tribulations

If you do nothing about actions of  misbehavior, then you too are part of the problem by letting it continue. Be the change and believe in the change. Opportunities  don't sparks if you don't strike that match to do something.


Monday Mission

Against all of the odds, you are guided by God. No matter how hard things get, there will always be a way through it.


Tuesday Trials & Tribulations

Yesterday's dilemma shouldn't carry over onto  today's progress.. Appriciate all that you have in your life... Take a stand for what's worth it.

Monday Mission

Through times of hardship and worries, Build up positive vibes and express to all in need. Be the upliftment.


Tuesday Trials & Tribulations

Live life and love the life you live..
Too much complications can lead to distractions.


Monday Mission

Humble is the only major key !


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