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Wealthy Citizens Officially Jackin 4 Beatz Part 2
We back at it with the highly anticipated jack move. Officially Jackin 4 Beatz Part 2

La based artist Richie Rich drops "Back By Popular Demand" Fall 2008 with a lot of heavy productions (T.F.Stunnaz, BeaT MonStaz, etc...) this independant artist is A new wave of fresh music. being head CEO of his 6block label he also scored A deal with j records in 2006. with his abstract lyrical delivery , artist richie rich is in the lane of his own with behemoth punch lines and clever word gestures he is bringin A force back into westcoast music . born richard lewis,richie rich started rapping at the age of eight. As years progress he developed A skill for song writing and wanted to be takin serious in his music venture. visions of havin A major deal seem easy to the west coast artist but he also has visions of his own." I just don't want A deal I wanna be CEO of everything around me I want my label to be like the next defjam or even better". Starting his own label routed him into independent stature giving him A stronger hands on oppurtunity on his music then with A deal. 6block records , name after the street he and his fellow label mates and close friends grew up on . all with the same aspect in life makin music. Align with artists that cover all parts of the hip hop scene makin them the next super group to conquer the rap game." I'm not here to be the next whoever I'm just doin me I love music and why not let my music be heard and also let my creativity in music be brought to the forefront, I'm not here to be called the best or the greatest if u want to call me somethin just call me A good MC...
3:07 PM