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Wealthy Citizens Officially Jackin 4 Beatz Part 2

We back at it with the highly anticipated jack move. Officially Jackin 4 Beatz Part 2 

Tuesday Trials & Tribulations

Doing all that you can and still feeling that it is not enough is a problem that needs as much acknowledgement as your daily priorities. Progress is still in process.


Monday Mission

Take proper responsibility for your actions, Whenever you have to take control of any situation.


Tuesday Trials & Tribulations

Today should be full of discoveries...
Moments to reflect and enjoy...
Any matters of discontent should not enter your good vibes..


Monday Mission

Plan out your goals...
Be aware what you are about to be up against..
Accomplish that goal..
You are your only weakness


Tuesday Trials & Tribulations

Strive for leadership.. Don't follow nobody.. Set the rules and build a proper foundation for yourself.. It's either your own way or it's no way.


Monday Mission

It's never too late to make something happen for yourself... Keep up the motive of mind over matter... 


Tuesday Trials & Tribulations

Your capabilities should be what drives you. Fear of failure is not acceptable.. You win some and you lose some..but life is not over if you don't succeed..keep trying and working hard.


Monday Mission



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